Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Should I be surprised?

My pleas fall on deaf ears, from the governors office:

Thank you for contacting the Office of Governor Tim Pawlenty with your comments and concerns.
Because of the volume of correspondence we receive, we are not able to respond to all emails personally. We value your input and will take into consideration your thoughts or concerns on this particular issue.

If you need immediate attention, please call the Governor's office at (651) 296-3391.
Again, thanks for contacting the Governor's office and feel free to do so again in the future if you have comments and suggestions.

So, I am left with a bounce back email whic arrived Tuesday morning. I don't mind that it is a bounce email, but this was carefully selected and bounced back...Someone actually looked at the email and said "I don't want to respond to this." At least a bounce back would have come on saturday night when I wrote this.

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